On September 16th, 2018, a terrorist stabbed Ari Fuld in the back at the Gush Etsion junction. Despite being mortally wounded, with his last strength, Ari hy”d prevented the terrorist from continuing his murderous acts. On November 6, 2018, Ari was posthumously awarded the Medal of Exemplary Civil Service.
Ari, who loved the Land of Israel and fought to spread the truth about the right of the Jewish People to its Land, very much loved the Oz veGaon Preserve, built in 2014 by Women in Green as a Zionist response to the murder of the 3 kidnapped boys Gil-Ad, Eyal and Naftali hy”d. Ari brought groups there and distributed treats to the soldiers at the place. It was only natural that the lookout in his memory would be built in Oz veGaon.
We thank the Cherna Moskowitz Foundation for enabling the construction of the lookout overlooking Emek Bracha and the magnificent views on route 60 between Jerusalem and Hebron.