Herodium National Park

Herodium National Park

This desert fortress is both the palace and the gravesite of King Herod.

Take a fascinating archaeological tour of the site. Start your tour by viewing a short film about Herod.

Detailed instructions on how to get there can be found on the Parks and Nature Authority site.


Location: Eastern Gush Etzion

Waze: click here


Adult: 31 nis

Child: 16 nis

Student: 26 nis

Senior citizen: 16 nis

Military reserve: 23 nis

Groups of 30+: 26/adult, 14/child

Phone: 02-5953591



Sunday-Thursday & Saturday  8:00-17:00.
Friday & Holiday evenings 8:00-16:00


Sunday-Thursday  & Saturday 8:00-16:00.
Friday & Holiday evenings 8:00-15:00

Rosh Hashana Eve, Yom Kippur Eve and Pesach Eve: 8:00-13:00

Entrance to the park closes one hour before the park closes.

Website: Herodium National Park


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